
View the Project on GitHub TeoShyanJie/duke

User Guide

1. Introduction

This product is called Duke. Duke is a smart chatbot which assist you in organising your task.

2. Features

There are 5 main features on Duke:

  1. Add Task
    • add todo task
    • add deadline task
    • add event task
  2. Delete Task
  3. List Task
  4. Mark Task as Done
  5. Find Task

2.1 - Add Task

There are three different ways to add task into Duke.

2.1.1 Todo

Command: todo [task description]

This will add the task into Duke as a normal task.

2.1.2 Deadline

Command: deadline [task description] /by date time


  1. /by has to be added into deadline task to indicate the data and time
  2. date must be in format [dd/mm/yyyy]
  3. time must be in format [24 hour format]

eg. deadline assignment /by 19/9/2019 1800

This command will add the task into Duke as a deadline task with date and time.

2.1.3 Event

Command: event [task description] /at date time


  1. /by has to be added into event task to indicate the data and time
  2. date must be in format [dd/mm/yyyy]
  3. time must be in format [24 hour format]

eg. event project meeting /at 19/9/2019 1800

This command will add the task into Duke as an event task with date and time.

2.1.4 Mark Task as Done

Command: done [index of task]

This command will mark the respective task you choose as done. A tick will show at the respective task.

2.1.5 Find Task

Command: find [keyword]

eg. find homework

This command will list out all the task that contains the keyword.

3. Exit

Command: bye

This command will exit Duke chatbot.